Yet another year is over and JavaScript is ever changing. However, there are some tips that can help you write clean and efficient code that scales, even (or maybe especially?) in 2019. Below is a list of 9 pragmatic tips that will make you a better developer.
1. async / await
If you’re still stuck in callback hell, 2014 wants its code back. Just don’t use callbacks, unless it is absolutely necessary, for example required by a library or for performance reasons. Promises are fine, but they’re a bit awkward to use if your codebase gets bigger. My go-to solution nowadays is async / await, which makes reading and improving my code a lot cleaner. In fact, you can await
every Promise in JavaScript, in case a library you’re using is returning a Promise, simply await
it. In fact, async/await is just syntactical sugar around promises. To make your code work, you only need to add the async
keyword in front of a function. Here’s a quick example:
Note that await
on the top level is not possible, you can only call an async
async / await was introduced with ES2017, so make sure to transpile your code.
2. async control flow
Often times, it is necessary to fetch multiple datasets and do something for each of those or complete a task after all of the async calls have returned a value.
Let’s say we have a couple of Pokemon on our page, and we have to fetch detailed information about them. We do not want to wait for all calls to finish, especially when we don’t know how many there are, but we want to update our datasets as soon as we get something in return. We can use for...of
to loop through an array and execute async
code inside the block, the execution will be halted until each call has succeeded. It is important to note that there may be performance bottlenecks if you do something like this in your code, but it is very useful to keep in your toolset. Here is an example:
These examples are actually working, feel free to copy and paste them in your favourite code sandbox
What if you want to fetch all of the Pokemon in parallel? Since you can await
all of Promises, simply use Promise.all
and Promise.all
were introduced with ES6+, so make sure to transpile your code.
3. Destructuring & default values
Let’s return to our previous example where we do the following:
const result = axios.get(`${}`)const data =
There is an easier way to do that, we can use destructuring to just take one or some of values from an object or an array. We would do it like this:
const { data } = await axios.get(...)
We saved one line of code! Yay! You can also rename your variable:
const { data: newData } = await axios.get(...)
Another nice trick is to give default values when destructuring. This ensures that you will never end up with undefined
and you don’t have to check the variables manually.
const { id = 5 } = {}console.log(id) // 5
These tricks can also be used with function parameters, for example:
The example might seem a bit confusing at first, but take your time and play around with it. When we do not pass any values as arguments to our function, the default values are used. As soon as we start passing values, only the default values for non-existing arguments are used.
Destructuring and default values were introduced with ES6, so make sure to transpile your code.
4. Truthy & falsy values
When using default values, some of the checks for existing values will be a thing of the past. However, it is very nice to know that you can work with truthy and falsy values. This will improve your code and save you a couple of instructions, making it more eloquent. Often times I see people doing something like:
if(myBool === true) {
}// ORif(myString.length > 0) {
}// ORif(isNaN(myNumber)) {
All of those can be shortened to:
if(myBool) {
}// ORif(myString) {
}// ORif(!myNumber) {
To really take advantage of these statements, you have to understand what truthy and falsy values are. Here is a small overview:
- strings with the length of 0
- the number
- empty arrays
- empty objects
- Everything else
Note that when checking for truthy / falsy values, there is no explicit comparison, which equates to checking with double equal signs ==
and not three ===
. In general, it behaves the same way but there are certain situations where you will end up with a bug. For me, it happened mostly with the number 0
5. Logical and ternary operators
These are, again, used to shorten your code, saving you precious lines of code. Often times they are nice tools and help keep your code clean, but they can also create some confusion, especially when chaining them.
Logical operators
The logical operators basically combine two expressions and will return either true
, false
or the matching value and are represented by &&
, meaning “and” — as well as ||
, meaning “or”. Let’s have a look:
console.log(true && true) // trueconsole.log(false && true) // falseconsole.log(true && false) // falseconsole.log(false && false) // falseconsole.log(true || true) // trueconsole.log(true || false) // trueconsole.log(false || true) // trueconsole.log(false || false) // false
We can combine logical operators with our knowledge from the last point, truthy and falsy values. When using logical operators, the following rules apply:
: The first falsy value gets returned, if there is none, the last truthy value is being returned.||
: The first truthy value gets returned, if there is none, the operation will equal to the last falsy value.
console.log(0 && {a: 1}) // 0console.log(false && 'a') // falseconsole.log('2' && 5) // 5console.log([] || false) // []console.log(NaN || null) // nullconsole.log(true || 'a') // true
Ternary operator
The ternary operator is very similar to the logical operator, but has three parts:
- The comparison, which will either be falsy or truthy
- The first return value, in case the comparison is truthy
- The second return value, in case the comparison is falsy
Here’s an example:
const lang = 'German'console.log(lang === 'German' ? 'Hallo' : 'Hello') // Halloconsole.log(lang ? 'Ja' : 'Yes') // Jaconsole.log(lang === 'French' ? 'Bon soir' : 'Good evening') // Good evening
6. Optional chaining
Have you ever had the problem of accessing a nested object property, without knowing if the object or one of the sub-properties even exists? You will probably end up with something like this:
let data
if(myObj && myObj.firstProp && myObj.firstProp.secondProp && myObj.firstProp.secondProp.actualData) data = myObj.firstProp.secondProp.actualData
This is tedious and there’s a better way, at least a proposed way (keep reading how to enable it). It is called optional chaining and works as followed:
const data = myObj?.firstProp?.secondProp?.actualData
I think it is an eloquent way of checking nested properties and makes the code way cleaner.
Currently, optional chaining is not part of the official spec, but is at stage-1 as an experimental feature. You have to add @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining in your babelrc to use it.
7. Class properties & binding
Binding functions in JavaScript is a common task. With the introduction of arrow functions in the ES6 spec, we now have a way to automatically bind functions to the declaration context — very useful and commonly used amongst JavaScript developers. When classes were first introduced, you could no longer really use arrow functions because class methods have to be declared in a specific way. We needed to bind functions elsewhere, for example in the constructor (best practice with React.js). I was always bugged by the workflow of first defining class methods and then binding them, it just seems ridiculous after a while. With the class property syntax, we can use arrow functions again and get the advantages of auto-binding. Arrow function can now be used inside the class. Here is an example with _increaseCount
being bound:
Currently, class properties are not part of the official spec, but is at stage-3 as an experimental feature. You have to add @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties in your babelrc to use it.
8. Use parcel
As a frontend developer, you almost certainly have encountered bundling and transpiling code. The de-facto standard for this was webpack for a long time. I first used webpack in version 1, which was a pain back then. Fiddling with all the different configuration options, I spent countless hours trying to get the bundling up and running. If I was able to do so, I wouldn’t touch it again in order not to break anything. A couple of months ago I came across parcel, which was an instant relief. It does pretty much everything for you out of the box, while still giving you the possibility to change it, if necessary. It also supports a plugin system, similar to webpack or babel and is incredibly fast. If you don’t know parcel, I definitely suggest you check it out!
9. Write more code yourself
This is a nice topic. I have had a lot of different discussions about it. Even for CSS, a lot of people tend to use a component library like bootstrap. For JavaScript I still see people using jQuery and small libraries for validation, sliders and so on. While it can make sense to use libraries, I strongly recommend writing more code yourself, rather than blindly installing npm packages. When there are big libraries (or even frameworks), where a whole team is building it, for such as moment.js or react-datepicker, it does not make sense to try to code it yourself. However, you can write most of the code you are using yourself. This will give you three main advantages:
- You know exactly what is going on in your code
- At some point, you will start to really understand programming and how things work under the hood
- You prevent your codebase from getting bloated
In the beginning, it is easier to just use an npm package. It will take more time to implement some functionality on your own. But what if the package does not really work as expected and you have to switch it for another one, spending yet more time on reading how their API is set up. When implementing it on your own, you can tailor it a hundred percent to your usecase.